JVCL for Berlin Starter

Just got my hands to the Delphi Berlin Starter. First problem I faced was that I can’t compile the DB packages for the JVCL. So I checked what’s wrong. It appeared that one of the packages requires ADORTL (JvDB and JvDBDesign). So I removed the require clause for it and then adjusted the files and it compiled successfully!

So to make it working for the Starter edition do the following:

  • Remove the ADORTL from requires in JvDB.dpk;
  • Remove the JvADOQuery uses in JvDBReg.pas;
  • Remove the TJvADOQuery and TJvADODataSet component registration from the Register procedure in JvDBReg.pas.


P.S. Starter edition goes without ADO (or other DB related) components support. But the database units like Data.DB are there – so no worries. And you are free to use the 3rd party components for accessing the database (save you God from using the ADO as a connection components in your production system – except if it’s not an utility for data export/import from/to different DBs or any other small demo/sample project).


    1. Sure it can be used. But it can’t be compared with DevArt DAC or other server specific data access components. ADO does not have UpdateSQL for query, does not handle the identity column value change correctly when the trigger inserts the identity in other table. And there are more issues with ADO.
      But sure if you never use such things and never faced the problems in your particular project – no problems with it. But I always prefer specific access components for a specific DB server unless there is no requirement to support multi-db backend.


      1. I see. Actually I use only queries (no tadotable) and get identity fields via scope_identity (to work around the triggers identities). So I have not faced all these problems.
        Anyway – any suggestions what database components could be used for home usage? After all Starter as long as I see is for small and home projects but no db components at all… hey, that’s too much of a crippling.

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